Offering Supportive and Effective Counseling Services to Meet Your Needs

Our Services

Therapy counseling adults women

Individual Therapy for Adults

Online talk therapy or counseling can be a helpful way to address the challenges in your life. During the initial session, we will discuss the reasons why you are seeking therapy and explore your goals for the process. If you have any questions or concerns, we can address those as well. Typically, meetings are scheduled weekly or bi-weekly to provide consistent support.

Each time we meet, we will talk about your thoughts and feelings related to anything that has happened during the week. We will also delve into deeper topics that may be causing distress and explore ways to address them. While therapy can be challenging and uncomfortable at times, it's important to work through it in order to find relief, healing, and the ability to make the changes you want in your life.

I draw from various therapy styles including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), parts work, and positive psychology. However, if you are unfamiliar with these styles that's okay. What matters most is that you receive the support and healing you need.

50 mins |  $135  


Attachment-Focused Parent Support

Unbreakable YOU Counseling and Wellness provides support for parents of children, regardless of their age. Parenting can be challenging, especially when parents are struggling with their own past or want to parent differently than they were parented. Our Attachment-Focused Parent Support sessions offer more than just learning parenting skills. We focus on how parents want to interact with their children and what prevents them from doing so. We examine what happens for you as a parent during difficult moments with your child and help you understand why it's tough for you and how you can overcome it. This support can be a standalone service or paired with other therapy services. It may or may not be billable to insurance, so please get in touch with us to learn more!

50 mins |  $135 


Individual Therapy for Teens

Engaging therapy for youth starting at age 13. Teens may struggle with several issues including depression, anxiety, self-image or self-esteem, bullying, ADHD, self-harm, or thoughts of suicide. Managing the challenges faced by teenagers can be overwhelming not just for them but also for their families. Parents may feel frustrated with their child's behavior or notice their child withdrawing from them. Seeking therapy can be a positive outlet for teenagers to discuss their struggles with someone who can provide relevant support from a non-judgemental perspective. Therapy goals may range from addressing social issues to dealing with potential harm to themselves. I have extensive experience working with struggling teens and each session is tailored to be engaging and relevant to the individual. The sessions may involve looking at things a different way, learning new skills, figuring out how to handle all the different demands of life, and implementing safety measures if needed. Therapy sessions usually take place once a week. With the exception of the initial session, the sessions will often be one-on-one with the teenager without the parent present, depending on the age of the youth and their needs. This helps build trust between the therapist and the teenager and allows the teenager to focus on their goals. Brief consultations and communication with parents will occur so that parents can support the teenager's progress and in accordance with new Idaho laws, parents will have a right to therapy records until the client is a legal adult. **Please be aware that ANY concern for self-harm and/or thoughts of suicide will be thoroughly assessed and openly discussed with parents/guardians. Parents will be required to be involved in any safety or crisis plan.

50 mins |  $135  


Trauma Focused Therapy

Specialized counseling for individuals who have experienced physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, traumatic events, and other traumatic experiences. You may be experiencing PTSD-like symptoms such as not being able to get what happened out of your head, feeling overwhelmed whenever you think about it, or experiencing intense emotional reactions like anger outbursts or anxiety. You may even blame yourself for something that happened to you. Your relationships with others may have changed or you may have difficulty trusting others. People have a wide range of reactions to trauma experiences and these can linger in the background for years. Treating trauma isn’t about “getting over it” or “forgetting about it” it’s about processing it and experiencing healing and relief. It’s about finding resilience and figuring out how to live life after trauma. Sessions utilize research-based Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ages 13-18) or Cognitive Processing Therapy (adults).

50-60 mins |  $135 or 90 mins |  $225 

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.